North Gateway Master Plan, City of Penticton, BC (2021)


MVH was asked by the City of Penticton to lead a five-day design charrette with other consultants including architects and landscape architects. This blossoming city in the Okanagan Valley of central British Columbia is under development pressure because of its desirable location and climate. The North Gateway is the events centre for the city including its hockey school, convention centre, and casino. Adjoining mature properties as well as car dealerships also offer redevelopment opportunities. A pedestrian-oriented neighbourhood is the result with a variety of housing, hotel, open space/flex space opportunities. Street improvements in the form of greenways, trails, and widened sidewalks connect north to Lake Okanogan and west to the Canal.


Municipal Development Plan, City of Fort Saskatchewan, AB (2019-2021)


Grand Forks Official Community Plan, City of Grand Forks, BC (2020-2022)