Cambrian Crossing, Strathcona County, AB (2009 - 2013)


Master Plan aerial perspective illustration


MVH facilitated the planning and design of a new sustainable community to house 7,000 residents and provide an estimated 4,500 jobs on 318 hectares (786 acres) just east of Edmonton, Alberta. The process included a very successful 4-day Charrette and a fast track approval process with sustainable development targets and innovative alternative development standards including over 30% open space, customized street standards, advanced mobility plan, an average net residential density of 38 units per hectare (15 units per acre), and jobs/services walking distance for residents.

Four Village Nodes

Four Village Nodes

Cambrian Crossing Mixed Use Land Plan, Strathcona County, Alberta

Cambrian Crossing Mixed Use Land Plan, Strathcona County, Alberta


Stave Heights Neighbourhood Plan, City of Mission, BC (2020-2022)


Vancouver Greenways and Downtown Historic Trail, Vancouver, BC (1993 -1995 and 2005)